09 April 2009

I'd Walk a Mile for a Tamil (2)

Welcome to Day 3 of the Tamil protests.

Wellington Street (a main thoroughfare in Ottawa) is still closed for bidness. Many people are inconvenienced, and many are prevented from getting to work on time.

Assuming you have the correct cause, shutting down a street in Ottawa to protest is now perfectly legal. Police and city officials will allow this, unlike the neanderthals of yesteryear who believed in law and order, equal rights, etc. WARNING: Don't try to play street hockey, as that is illegal in Ottawa.

Oh well, as Ottawans say, "What can you do? It's no use complaining."

Yes, indeed. Complaining is so negative and like wrong. And voting out incompetent boobs who allow their citizens to be trod upon (see OC Transpo Strike) is like really really hard and takes time and like makes you get off your behind and like walk all the way down the street to like vote.

The usual care-nothing-do-nothing Canadians change the subject and say that the protest is necessary and legitimate. Fine. I support anyone's right to protest anytime they want. This is still a pseudo-democratic country after all. But do it on Parliament Hill; don't shut down my streets. It's not a parade.

The upside: OC Transpo has just pulled
40 brand new buses off the streets for unexpected maintenance, so the crappy service will be masked by the traffic problems caused by the protests.


  1. Ian, you should run for public office....you've got my vote!!!

  2. Lads, we don't do that here. We accept anything that is PC. Now if you're a group like Fathers 4 Justice don't expect any pity from anyone.

  3. If I were running OC Transpo, I'd probably re-route the buses several blocks away from protesters carrying the flag of an officially-designated terrorist group too, since terrorists and buses are always a rather noxious mix.

    I'd say these "tigers" are about two days past due for a good old-fashioned tear gassing.

    By the way, I'm glad you like my blurry Heritage bus photo from 2006: http://www.flickr.com/photos/steve-brandon/233051674

  4. I do love the photo. Hope you don't mind me using it!
