06 April 2009

Dalton McGuinty Soothes Italians in Their Time of Need

Well, our fearless leader is out there again performing his heroics for the benefit - not only of his slopehead Ontario subjects (no offence to slopeheads) - but for the good citizens of Italia as well!

Here’s what the Great One stayed up all night writing then posting on his website:

“Ontarians were saddened to learn of the devastating earthquake in Italy. I spoke today with the Consul General of Italy in Toronto to express our concern and condolences on behalf of all Ontarians.

At this time, our deepest sympathies go out to those who have lost loved ones, and our thoughts and prayers are with those who are worried for the safety of family and friends.

Ontario has deep and enduring ties to Italy and its people. To the many families who have loved ones in this area, we offer our most sincere support to you during this time.

There will be difficult days ahead as rescue workers search for survivors, as communities rebuild and as families re-establish their lives. On behalf of all Ontarians, let us each offer whatever assistance we can to relief agencies and show our support in this time of great need.”

Hey Italy! We got your backs!

I can just picture the Italian Consul General, tears of gratitude streaming down his face, as Dalton consoles him over the phone. Then I can imagine the email from said C-G to Silvio Berlusconi (how many Ontarians even know who he is?), and more tears and hand-gesticulating as they agree that 'Daltonio McGuintio' is a saint of the highest order.

Honestly, is there anyone out there besides me who thinks this guy is a sleazeball of the highest order? I mean really, McGuilty has as much class as Peter Griffin, only Dalton actually takes himself seriously.

If I wasn’t living in Ontario I’d find him amusing. But he’s not. He imposes ruinous economic policies, punitive taxes, breaks promises, allows the health care system to rot, then keeps us peons distracted with his empty initiatives and announcements. This is just another meaningless gesture of his, aimed at taking the focus off his lack of constructive action on the big issues facing this province.

I hope to God (no offence) that Randy Hillier takes over as PC leader. Only he can stop the insanity that McGuinty has wrought upon this province. (Of course, Randy will have to find a way to get the DOVs (Dullard Ontario Voters) out of their stupor; rousing a slothful Ontarian is a very difficult thing to do (unless you raise their cable rates by 15 cents a month – then you’re axin’ fer trubble!!).


  1. Bob from Ottawa here--

    Aw, Happy, that little sympathy message re. the earthquake is about the third intelligent thing that poor Dalton has done since he was elected.

    Fact is, diplomatic protcol suggests that such a message should be passed to the relevant Consul. I think this one is quite well written.

    I agree that Premier McGuinty is dreadful on many levels--let us count the ways!--but not in this instance.

  2. Bob,

    Agree about the good writing job, but I'll go out on a limb and assume it wasn't crafted by our man Dalton. Maybe it is a nice touchy-feely thing to do (after all that's more important than actually doing anything to improve the province), but coming from him it just smacks of insincerity and ulterior motive. As I said, he's spent so much time messing up his own province, that making soothing comments (to curry favour in the Toronto Italian community perhaps?) on behalf of the "nation" of Ontario is just crass.
