05 May 2009

Ban Everything European

OK, now I'm really miffed (when the kiddies aren't looking, substitute a "p" for the "m" and a "s" for the "f").

The wonderfully progressive Euroweenies have decided that it would be wonderfully thoughtful of them to ban all products from the Canadian seal "slaughter".

OK fair enough. So, let's see:
  • Force feeding geese until their livers burst so we can spread their luscious creamy foie gras on lovely crispy little Parisian toasties, is OK;
  • Exhausting a bull in the middle of an arena, then stabbing him (or her) slowly to death in front of a crowd of screaming Spaniards drinking day-old Rioja, is OK;
  • Amputating frogs' legs and leaving them to beg in the streets of Dijon with nothing but a mustard plaster, is OK;
  • Killing dogs for food in Korea is OK.
(Alright, so Korea isn't in the EU. But it could be! I'm just trying make a point ovah hear!)

Anyway, what rankles is the singling out of Canada as a barbaric nation that engages in cruel treatment of a certain type of animal (the harp seal, in case you lost track).

As Bruno Waterfield points out, the issue is not animal cruelty (because after all, the Canadian seal hunt is not a cruel endeavour - that's a myth); it's about votes and stupid people voting for stupid European power-mad parliamentarians.

But what rankles more is the lack of anger from Canadians. So once again, we deserve any negative fallout from this ill-informed move, because we don't fight back.

As for me and my family, we're banning all European products from now on (except of course for the Swedish masseuse, the Spanish nanny, and the Croatian dalmatian).


  1. How many Atlantic Canadians gave their lives to help these Euro wimps. Stop negotiating and simply ban European Fishers from the Grand Banks. Let them sue.

  2. Your Friend John07 May, 2009 22:51

    For whatever reason Beaumont-Hamel comes to mind. Newfoundlanders gave their lives for Europeans. Of the 801 Newfoundlanders who went into battle that morning (1 July), only 68 were able to answer the roll call the next day, with 255 dead, 386 wounded and 91 missing.
    "Inherently inhumane" for sure.

  3. Are you a miffed Brit or an American?

    I only by Chinese products. It's all I can afford. EU products are too expensive.

  4. I'm a miffed Canuck. And I don't buy Chinese either. Except for noodles and dried silverfish.
