09 April 2009

I'd Walk a Mile for a Tamil (3)

I just watched the local CBC TV news and saw that there was a bit of a scuffle at the protest. The report mentioned that "one woman was injured". Another young(ish) woman claimed that a policeman pushed The Aforementioned Woman's head to make her back off. The young(ish) woman added that The Aforementioned Woman's nose was broken and there was blood everywhere.

Maybe that's true and if so that's too bad. But what do you think will be the main story tomorrow? "Police break elderly woman's nose"? Not that there is an illegal protest, nor that traffic was gridlocked, nor that this is pretty much turning into an illegal blockade.

Meanwhile, on CFRA radio, three city councillors were grilled by some guy named Rob Snow about the inaction of the police. Seems that the chief is away and nobody is too worried. The general attitude of these elected officials was along the lines of, "If Ottawans are upset, they need to say so to the police, not to the elected council." Only one councillor (a Bob Monette) seemed to be on the ball.

Oh, well. What can ya do eh? What's on the telly tonight luv?

Happy Passover/Easter!


  1. i hate terrorists

  2. Your Friend John10 April, 2009 06:33

    I`m assuming these protesters are Canadians. Have they ever protested over a Canadian issue? I doubt it.
