01 April 2009

Hedy Days

So today I'm watching Politics with Don Newman (one of the few CBC TV shows worth watching) and who shows up on the "braaaaaaawwdcast" but Hedy! My favourite doctor! (Well, actually, Ruby Dhalla is my favourite, but Hedy's much sillier and therefore better for the ratings.) So I axes myself what are the chances that I'd be thinking about Hedy two days in a row? Er, um, usually none.

Anyway, the topic du jour today was the proposed Afghan legislation that will allow husbands to "have their way with their wives" and forbid them from leaving the house alone, etc. When I heard the news this morning my first thoughts were of the lefties who will crawl out of the woodwork to express their outrage at this turn of events (despite having kept pretty silent about all the other injustices that women suffer worldwide at the hands of tyrants, dictators, intolerant societies, etc.).

Well sure enough both Hedy Fry ("Your Member of Parliament") and Dawn Black were preaching at Don and his loyal viewers that Canada had to do something about this terrible turn of events, it's an outrage that women over there are being treated this way, and so on and yadda yadda.

Now, I'm not one for telling another country how to run its affairs, but if we disagree with the way women are treated (and we should) , we should make clear our misgivings to the Afghan government.

However, where were these two fine defenders of women in the past? I'm not saying that the Dippers and Libs have been completely silent on the issue of womens' rights overseas, but I don't remember them being as vocal about this issue until today.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they're waking up now because Canada supports the Afghan government in its struggle to make Afghanistan a better and safer place. I'm sure these MPs are 100% sincere in their protests and will continue to scream from the rooftops next time we hear about women in Saudi Arabia or Darfur being ill treated. God bless 'em both (no offense).

Yep, and my father's the king of France.

1 comment:

  1. The women in China!
    PMSH gets attacked by Libs (and David Emerson) for not being more nuanced about human rights issues with China,
    because better relations means more $$$ to our businesses.
