27 March 2009


In his National Post column yesterday, Fr Raymond J. de Souza summarized the battle Ezra Levant’s been waging on our behalf for the past two years. It’s a must-read piece, as is Ezra’s just-released book “Shakedown” (apparently my wife is getting it for me as a surprise prezzie!).

Unfortunately, hardly anyone outside those who are well informed – the vast minority of Canadians in my experience – is aware of what’s been going on; even though it’s been increasingly reported in the media of late (thanks again in large part to the good ship Ezra).

In my circle of friends, colleagues and family, about the only people who follow the travesty that is Canada’s “Human Rights” Commissions are my wife and children, a few workmates, and my friends “John”, “John”, “Rusty”, “Willis”, “Papa-Dum” and “Chip”.

To me that’s the most frustrating bit: wilfully ignorant Canadians, who, even if they do grant you a few minutes out of their busy schedules making money to buy stuff and having other people raise their kids, will often accuse you of making this stuff up. And then, even if they do believe you, they’ll retreat into their comfort zone of “keeping it positive” or “what can you do-ism”.

As for Fr. de Souza's HMCS EZRA LEVANT idea, I am all for naming our ships after Canadian figures of worth – real Canadians. Not after rogue PMs like Trudeau; or Canadian “elites” who have received the Hors d’Oeuvres of Canada (Morgentaler and Ahenakew to name but two notables); but brave stalwart people who’ve advanced, at their own risk and expense, important causes for Canadians – in this case freedom of speech.

Ezra Levant (and indeed Mark Steyn) should be lauded everywhere as praiseworthy figures who have had a positive influence on Canadian society, by working tirelessly to save Canada from the disgusting personages and government bodies (our friendly HRCs), who would have us all thrown in jail for speaking our minds.

A ship name is a great place to start!

Oh and BTW, why is the Canadian government (i.e. PARLIAMENT) not doing anything about the “illiberal corruption of our human rights bureaucracy”, as Father de Souza so aptly puts it?

And why is Ezra Levant not being covered by the CBC and other mainstream media like the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star?

Of course we all know the answer…


  1. If you name a ship "Levant" it will either sink or boil the water with hot air.

    Ships should honour Canadians that have made a contribution to society. Not Ann Colteresque blowhards.

  2. Well if you don't know the contribution he's made to this country you either haven't been following this situation at all, or you agree with the HRCs, which in my opinion is a position that goes against what Canada should (and used to) stand for.
    Ezra would fight for you to shout your opinions from the rooftops, whereas I suspect you would fight to shut him up.
    So what if he's a blowhard? Being "likable" is irrelevant. This issue is more important than someone's personality.

  3. Ezra fights for Ezra.

    Seriously, of all the Canadians, alive or dead, you think Ezra is the most worthy? Well, you cetainly take partisanship to new heights.

    I can name about 5 million other CAnadians who are more worthy. What about Art Hanger, Laurie Hawn or Myron Thompson. Great Canadians all. Ralph Klein (an example for all Caandians to emulate) There are so many other conservative luminaries that are more worthy.


  4. Partisanship to new heights eh? Well thanks.

    No I don't think he's necessarily the MOST worthy (maybe HMCS TERRY FOX would be higher up my list), but he is a great Canadian. Neither do I agree with your strange choice of MPs. They've all done a good job for their constituents and party, and that's great.

    Anyway, most of what I said was meant to be tongue in cheek (apart from Ezra being a great Canadian of course - that he is and no amount of jealous liberal posturing can undo the good that he has done).
