29 March 2009


Angst Alert! Canada in danger!

The CBC, in what appears to be a fit of pique, will curtail some of its TV “product” because the big bad government isn’t giving them more money to waste on programs nobody watches. Pravda-Canada is so put out by its lot in life that it is laying off people and cutting programming. That’ll show us, eh?

Not only will it cut its television programming, but it will axe some radio shows as well. According to the CBC website:

“Canadians can also expect to see more repeats of many prime-time programs, with shorter seasons ordered for ones including:

  • The Border.
  • This Hour Has 22 Minutes.
  • Being Erica.
  • Little Mosque on the Prairie.

The CBC will also reduce spending on new children's programming and cancel the Living programs produced in each region.”

This Hour Has 22 Minutes used to be funny, but isn’t anymore. They try too hard and are only Canadian inasmuch as they have that annoying tendency to be anti-American. As for the other shows, time to jag them in lads and laddettes. I don’t know anyone (and I’m a really popular guy/gal) who watches CBC other than for the news or hockey. And speaking of which:

In CBC Sports, there will be reductions or cutbacks in coverage of:

  • International figure skating.
  • CONCACAF Champions League soccer.
  • World aquatics.
  • World athletics.
  • Skiing.

The CBC will also drop its Blue Jays baseball telecasts.”

So the nations of Canada and Quebec will lose their sense of identity because Blue Jays games will be dropped?

Yep, that’ll show us! Keep those cutbacks coming Mother Corp. I’d rather watch Jeopardy anyway.

Oh and BTW, the CBC coverage last night of Earth Hour was hilarious! It was a little embarrassing to watch Ian Hanomansing stumbling about unsuccessfully trying to sell the “world-changing” non-event as if it were New Year’s Eve in Times Square. Meanwhile, reading the twitters scroll across the bottom of the screen was fine entertainment. “I’m waiting to turn my lights off”, wrote one twit at about 8:27PM; he/she couldn’t take the initiative to turn the lights off before CBC told him/her too? That’s so Canadian!

27 March 2009


In his National Post column yesterday, Fr Raymond J. de Souza summarized the battle Ezra Levant’s been waging on our behalf for the past two years. It’s a must-read piece, as is Ezra’s just-released book “Shakedown” (apparently my wife is getting it for me as a surprise prezzie!).

Unfortunately, hardly anyone outside those who are well informed – the vast minority of Canadians in my experience – is aware of what’s been going on; even though it’s been increasingly reported in the media of late (thanks again in large part to the good ship Ezra).

In my circle of friends, colleagues and family, about the only people who follow the travesty that is Canada’s “Human Rights” Commissions are my wife and children, a few workmates, and my friends “John”, “John”, “Rusty”, “Willis”, “Papa-Dum” and “Chip”.

To me that’s the most frustrating bit: wilfully ignorant Canadians, who, even if they do grant you a few minutes out of their busy schedules making money to buy stuff and having other people raise their kids, will often accuse you of making this stuff up. And then, even if they do believe you, they’ll retreat into their comfort zone of “keeping it positive” or “what can you do-ism”.

As for Fr. de Souza's HMCS EZRA LEVANT idea, I am all for naming our ships after Canadian figures of worth – real Canadians. Not after rogue PMs like Trudeau; or Canadian “elites” who have received the Hors d’Oeuvres of Canada (Morgentaler and Ahenakew to name but two notables); but brave stalwart people who’ve advanced, at their own risk and expense, important causes for Canadians – in this case freedom of speech.

Ezra Levant (and indeed Mark Steyn) should be lauded everywhere as praiseworthy figures who have had a positive influence on Canadian society, by working tirelessly to save Canada from the disgusting personages and government bodies (our friendly HRCs), who would have us all thrown in jail for speaking our minds.

A ship name is a great place to start!

Oh and BTW, why is the Canadian government (i.e. PARLIAMENT) not doing anything about the “illiberal corruption of our human rights bureaucracy”, as Father de Souza so aptly puts it?

And why is Ezra Levant not being covered by the CBC and other mainstream media like the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star?

Of course we all know the answer…

22 March 2009

Driving Missus Ottawan

Yesterday, my lovely wife Windemere and I were tired of the children and their incessant whinging for food and shelter, so we decided to go for a drive outside the city limits.

Adventurous we may be, but we left the safety of Inner Ottawa with some trepidation. We were concerned about what we might discover outside the city’s boundaries. Will there be banditos? Rapists? Usurpers? Pretenders? Will we come across a highwayman?

Well that last fear was short-lived, as we drove east towards Rockland on the “highway”. The roads were so terrible that Windemere’s bladder was sloshing about like a half-empty ballast tank experiencing free surface effect. Thank God (no offence to the Globe & Mail Gary Goodyear Haters) that we don’t sport dentures, or they would not only have been floatin’, they’d a been shaken loose!

So instead of looking at the wonderful scenery I spent much of the afternoon doing the slalom routine as I dodged crater-sized potholes, and as Windermere shouted out the various houses that were for sale.

But the ice cream was good! (We stopped at a Quebec style “Bar Laitier” and it brought back memories of, um, Quebec. Why can’t you find these things in Ottawa? It’s either DQ or Baskin & Robbins, where the service is crap most of the time.)

So we rattled our way home after having shaken the bejezus out of our poor mini-van. I couldn’t help but wonder if the citizens of this village will ever demand better services from our city? Why are the roads of the nation’s capital so third worldish?

Stupid questions, I realized. Because when you ask that of most people around here, they’re always quick with an excuse. “Well you know, it’s worse in Cambodia.” “Well of course the roads are bad, because we live in a northern climate.” “Well the reason they don’t spend money on the roads is because they have none.” And on and on.

But we can get free trees from the city to plant in our yards!

A culture of excuses seems to be the Canadian way. Don’t question or complain. Stay positive and believe in your government(s). “There’s nothing you can do so why bother?”

Bloody Lovely.

On a POSITIVE NOTE: Happy Birthday Captain!!

21 March 2009

"Journalism" at its best

I caught this while perusing the Canadian Cynic's blog ("excellent" by lefty standards).

It's a little segment on Fox news entitled "Red Eye", with a guy named Greg Gutfeld. I've watched Fox News in the US of A from time to time (can't get it here - probably banned by Dalton); and I find it a refreshing change from the normal pap on CNN and the other left leaning networks.

So watch this video, have your feelings hurt, but remember these guys are just a bunch of clowns who aren't expected to know anything. Kind of like Jon Stewart on the other side of the spectrum, and just as banal.

"How to lose friends and alienate countries."

19 March 2009

Situation Normal – All Phoqued Up

Before anyone gets offended and calls the “Human Rights” busybodies, phoque means “seal” in our second official language (whatever that is). And I’m not talking about a seal of approval, but the cute little things that Europeans love to courageously defend by boycotting Canadian goods. Even though clubbing of baby seals has been illegal for years and happens less than 10% of the time (and I’m being generous), those zany Old Worlders still maintain that we go around killing the little white fuzzy cuties willy-nilly.

Why, just the other day a bunch of brave Spaniards (and good looking to boot) in Madrid got all naked-like and covered themselves in fake blood in the city square, as a protest against us evil Canadian murderers. (I guess slowly goring bulls to death in the bullfighting ring is not as bad as what they perceive to be happening over here.) Oh well, they’re European so it goes without saying that they have the proper perspective: Let’s not only go out of our way to defend animals, but let’s withdraw our troops from Afghanistan after being threatened by terrorists; after all, we’re only helping out the people of Afghanistan, who are evidently worth less to Europeans than baby seals are.

But I digest.

Back in Canada, there was a lovely little kerfuffle in Halifax last Saturday when a Metro Transit bus driver decided to do a bit of "seal clubbing" of his own. And for that ladies and germs, he gets the HAPPY OTTAWAN HERO OF THE WEEK AWARD.

Don’t take my word for it, read all about it at: http://thechronicleherald.ca/Front/1111789.html.

Oh and The Mop and Pail (our NATIONAL newspaper doncha know) basically printed the same story, but left out the bits that showed that not everyone was “shocked” or “outraged” or “scared”.

But then again, that would provide "balance", wot? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20090317.SEAL17/TPStory/National

Happy clubbing!

18 March 2009

If you're not circumcised you're killing the planet

Who knew that circumcised men were actually saving the planet?

Here's a shocking revelation out of Australia:

Dr. Paul Cowie, an Adelaide GP, says, "We will save many litres of water if more men were circumcised because there would be less fiddling in the shower to keep it clean."

I sincerely hope Elizabeth May and her Green Party get circumcised for the next election. They'll "sew up" the Catholic and Jewish vote fer sure!

Read all about it at: http://www.borderwatch.com.au/archives/2540#ixzz09vQIbcSy

Spwing has Spwung

I have the privilege of living in a house with a bus stop on the front lawn. It’s a mixed blessing: Neither I nor my wonderfully gifted children (my trophy femme “doesn’t do” buses) have to travel far to catch a ride with OC Hellspo; on the other hand, we get to see countless others using our property as a garbage bin.

So as part of the spring ritual, which includes watching the dog turd layers reveal themselves as the snow melts (we like to calculate the date the dogs pooped on the lawn – kind of like counting the rings of a tree trunk!), we get to see what our fellow citizens have so generously left for us to pick up.

This morning I found two pop cans, two empty beer bottles, a bunch of tags from different articles of stolen clothing, and various wrappers from chips, chocolate bars etc. These items were left all over our lawn by poor misunderstood yoots. Who are the victims here? They are! If we had more government-funded social programs and mandatory daycare for everyone then all yoots would be well mannered and wouldn’t litter.

Jack Layton and Olivia Newton Chow for PM and first lassie (respectively)!!

09 March 2009

Is That A Stapler in Your Pocket?

It would appear that the Braidwood inquiry into the taser death of Robert Dziekanski has made the RCMP appear a little less than heroic.

Anyone who’s been following this sorry spectacle is either hanging their head in shame or laughing (see links below) at our boys in crimson – sorry, and girls (mustn’t neglect the ladies this soon after International Women’s Day!).

So four strapping mounties cannot subdue a man with a stapler. Is it just me or are there other Canadians whose chests won’t be swelling with pride the next time they see a Mountie in his/her dress uniform? A guy with a stapler?

I am a staunch supporter of our cops, and our military, and I can’t stand anyone who bashes cops as a hobby; however, what has got me fuming (and my friend "John" as well) is the fact that these cops appeared to try to cover the incident up. Only when a private citizen’s video became public did the event receive public airing; then they tried to claim they were in danger! So not only do they appear to be dishonest, but they appear to be cowards as well.

I’d love to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in this case it’s nigh on impossible.

The upside: Ontario’s police are on the hunt for smoking parents in cars while violence in our city streets just keeps getting better.


