17 February 2009

The Kindness of a Dalton

Yesterday was Family Day in the greatest have-not province Confederation has ever seen.

Coincidentally, this holiday, created by our ever-so-caring premier Mother Dalton McGuinty, was concurrent with the beginning of Kindness Week here in our fair city.

What could be more appropriate? Who is kinder than Dalton McGuinty? Remember his health tax that he promised would never happen? (Oops sorry, it’s a premium and not a tax – go back to sleep my fellow somnambulant citizens).

Anyway, I thought back to the last election campaign when he was doing a walkabout at a hospital. When Dalton tried to shake a man’s hand, the man refused and said, “I've got cancer and you’re not helping any.” Remember Dalton’s reaction? He replied offhandedly, “Oh that’s not true. That’s not true.” He and his wife continued their casual stroll with the hospital director (or whatever he was) as if nothing happened.

So that’s kindness à la Dalton. Instead of stopping in his tracks and expressing sympathy, or trying to convince the man he would try to help him, this paragon of virtue walks away and plays to the cameras.

Let’s not forget what this guy is really about: spin, distracting the herd of dozy Ontarians from real issues, and maintaining power.

Oops - sorry! I forgot, we’re Canadians and we don't “do politics”. Because that would be “negative”.


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